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On Summer Routines {FREE Printable!}

Still experimenting with whether or not my nine-year old has Inattentive Type ADHD, I’ve found it extremely helpful to develop regular routines to keep her organized and functioning at her best.  I myself function better with routines; it’s less likely that I’ll forget something, for one, and it gives me a slight sense of control over my life.

I have to say it’s much easier to function on routine during the school months.  The school day has already been decided for us, and the routines that my kids follow at school don’t have to be planned out by me.  And while my kids are at home, it’s much easier to stick to my own routine, because, generally, nobody else is involved.  It’s when summer rolls around that I start to feel somewhat panicked, because I’m afraid I won’t get any work done.  That and I’m afraid my kids will spend all day in front of a screen, and that’s something I desperately want to avoid.

All that being said, I’ve attempted to develop a new routine for this summer that we’ll put in place beginning the Monday after school lets out.  My goal is to stick to this routine for the most part over the summer, so that Rapunzel and myself could still function at our best without clashing too much.

Now all this is not to say that there won’t be any spontaneity over the summer.  My parents were often spontaneous, and I believe a bit of spontaneity is good not just for kids but for everyone.  (Not to mention, the kids have camps and such, which will disturb the routine a bit, and that’s okay.)  Some of our favorite spontaneous summer adventures include: visiting with friends, swimming, visiting the nearby splash park, getting snow cones from the local snow cone truck, dropping by the library, and visiting local parks.

So without further ado: Below, you’ll find our summer schedule.  Click on the image to view.

FREE! Printable Summer Schedule | Making the Most Blog

In addition to creating a summer schedule, I’ve also created a summer activity log.  Each activity must be completed before screen time begins.  My hope is that this worksheet will provide a guided schedule/to do list that the kids can follow on their own, giving them the responsibility to complete the activities on their own but also showing them that they will be rewarded when they complete the tasks given them.  This will (hopefully!) give me the quiet time I need to get work done, prevent summer brain drain, and also give the kids more responsibility around the house (chores).  Feel free to print and use this activity log in your own home by clicking on the image below:

FREE! Printable Daily Activity Log | Making the Most Blog

I hope these printable worksheets help you to have a smooth, well-planned summer!

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