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Reviewing a Year of Goals (2014)

Last year, I decided I wanted to be intentional. As I said yesterday, I feel I did a fairly decent job of being intentional, and the GoalTracker app on my phone was a huge help keeping me on track.

Unfortunately, I didn’t accomplish everything quite to my maximum potential as I had hoped. I used to think that only partially meeting my goals meant that I had failed. This year though, I’ve realized that even only partially meeting my goals still means progress.

Here’s how:

For My Family:

  • Spend 2 hours per month with each child
    Okay, well this didn’t go so well. However, I have been much more intentional about spending time with the kids and have spent more time with them this year than ever before.
  • Make devotions with Prince Charming a habit
    While I haven’t exactly made this a habit, we’ve been consistently doing one devotion per week. Progress.
  • Make devotions with Rapunzel and Princess Anna a habit
    Same thing here. I haven’t made it a habit, but I’ve done devotions with them more this year than I probably have in the last 5 years combined. Progress.

For My Health:

  • Lose 52 pounds (I have a lot more to lose, but I figured if I shoot low then I’ll be more likely to achieve it…and if I lose more I’ll be thrilled!)
    Well, I sure didn’t lose 52 pounds, but I lost 25! I’d rather be 25 pounds lighter than none! I’ll take it.

For My Career:

  • Direct Sales: 12 parties per month, 5 guests per party, 1 recruit per year
  • Church: Complete SEO on the website. We all search for things online nowadays and so I want to help our Church to rank more highly in search engine results. In the digital world, competition is fierce, especially if you want people to find your website first. Anyway, a friend of mine has recommended that I get in touch with a digital marketing expert such as Victorious to help give the Church website a makeover. I must remember to reach out to an SEO specialist at some point in the near future.
    Okay, so neither of these are complete just yet, but God has very much redirected my steps. I think I can handle the lack of progress on this.

For Myself:

  • Read 2 Books
    I blasted this one out of the water. I completed 10 books! I’m upping this goal for this year!
  • Make devotions a daily habit
    While I haven’t done them every single day, I’ve been in the habit of completing 5-7 every week. I think I’ll call this one a success.

Some things I didn’t mention last year:

  • Teach Anna how to buckle herself
    Thanks to my stepdaughter, this was a success!
  • Implement regular chores for Rapunzel
    Well, I haven’t made this a requirement, but I taught her how to clean the toilets…progress?
  • Implement laundry care with Rapunzel
    Okay, not so much…
  • Go on at least 2 dates with Prince Charming
    I think we’ve actually been on at least 6, maybe more. Success!
  • Do at least 1 family service project
    Okay…try again next year…

Did you meet your goals this year?

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